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Legal information about this homepage
Party exclusively responsible for photos and information contained in this Online Album:

Beat Ernst
Neumattstrasse 19
4142 Münchenstein

The Online Album service is provided by:

MAGIX Software GmbH
Quedlinburger Str. 1
D-10589 Berlin

Please address general questions and concerns to:
Terms & conditions


The trademarks and names for MAGIX products used on this homepage are property of the MAGIX Online Services GmbH. The names of other companies and products mentioned on this homepage are property of their respective owners.

Design & photos found in homepage templates © by Jupiterimages or MAGIX Online Services GmbH


1. Scope of the online offer

MAGIX does not guarantee the currency, accuracy, completeness or quality of presented information.

Claims against MAGIX for material or intellectual property damage resulting from use or disuse of the information presented here, or from using incorrect or incomplete information are are generally excluded as long as no gross or willful negligence has taken place.

All offers are subject to change and are non-binding. MAGIX reserves the right to change, expand, delete and temporarily or permanently halt the publication of page sections or the entire offer without prior notice.

2. Links and references

For direct or indirect references to other Internet pages ("links") that are not the responsibility of MAGIX, MAGIX recognizes liability only if it is aware of the exact contents and, in case of illegal contents, if it has the technical possibility to prevent use and can reasonably be expected to do so. MAGIX declares herewith explicitly that, at the time of the linking, no illegal content was recognizable on the linked pages. MAGIX has no influence whatsoever on the present or future presentation, content or copyright of the linked pages. MAGIX therefore distances itself explicitly from all changes in content that are made after the linking of these pages. The same applies to all links referring to its own Web pages, as well as for entries from external parties in guest books, discussion forums and other such offerings on MAGIX Web pages. For illegal, faulty or incomplete contents and, above all, for damages caused by the use or non-use of the information offered on a linked page, the provider of said page shall bear sole liability. In the case of MAGIX Online Service offers, liability shall be borne by the user that published the content on the MAGIX Web site.

3. Copyrights and Trademarks

All trademarks and registered trademarks mentioned on this Web site are subject without reservation to the regulations of the respectively applicable trademark law and to the proprietary rights of the respective registered holder. Their mere naming does not imply that trademarks are not registered. MAGIX alone is entitled to the copyright of its own published content. Content, design, all graphic elements, and layout (or portions thereof) of this Web site is protected under copyright law. All rights are reserved, particularly the rights to reproduction, distribution and translation. No part of this Web site - whether text, music, video material or other images - may be reproduced in any form without the express written consent of MAGIX Online Services GmbH, nor may it be translated into a usable machine-readable form or language. All rights of reproduction are reserved.

4. Data Protection

On its Web pages, MAGIX offers the opportunity to enter personal or business-related data (including e-mail addresses, names, addresses, images, music, videos). The user divulges such data exclusively of its own free will. Third parties are prohibited to use information provided in the imprint or other similar data (such as postal addresses, telephone and fax numbers and e-mail addresses) for the purposes of sending information not expressly requested. We expressly reserve the right to take legal steps against the senders of so-called "spam" e-mail who violate this restriction.

5. Legal Validity

If parts or particular phrases of this text do not or no longer correspond to applicable law, the contents and validity of the other parts of this document shall remain unaffected.